Wetenschappelijk onderzoek materiaal over de zoetstof aspartaam!
Door onafhankelijke onderzoekers
Vertaling: Ed Gunneweg
- 1. Stegink, L.: Filer, L.J. Jr. Aspartame Physiology and Biochemistry.University of Iowa College of Medicine. Iowa City, IA Marcel Dekker,Inc. 1984.
- 2. Camfield, P.R.: Camfield, J.M.: Dooley, J.M.: et al with generalizedabsence epilepsy: A double-blind controlled study. Neurology (42) 1000-1003(May 1992)
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- 4. Walton, R. G. "Seizure and mania after high intake of aspartame."Psychopathology 17:98-106 (1984)
- 5. Drake, M.E. "Panic Attacks and Excessive Aspartame Ingestion." TheLancet (Sept 13, l986) p. 631
- 6. Walton, R. G. "The Possible Role of Aspartame in Seizure Induction"Proceedings of the First International Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanineand Brain Function. (May 8-10 1987) pp.495-499
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- 13. Steinmetzer, R.V.: Kunkel, R.S. "Aspartame and Headache" New EnglandJournal of Medicine 318 (18): 1201 (May 5, 1988)
- 14. Koehler, Shirley; and Glaros, Alan. "The Effect of Aspartame onMigraine Headache." Headache 28 (1):10-14 (l988)
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- 21. Federal Register 48:54993-54995 (Dec 8, l983)
- 22. Yokigoshi, H.: Roberts, C. F&t;: Caballero, B.: Wurtman, R. J."Effects of Aspartame and Glucose Administration on Brain and PlasmaLevels of Large Neutral Amino Acids and Brain 5-Hydroxyindoles." AmericanJournal of Clinical Nutrition. 40:1-7 (July 1, 1984)
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- 24. Pardridge, W.M. "Potential Effects of the Dipeptide SweetenerAspartame on the Brain. Nutrition and the Brain 7:199-241 (l986)
- 25. Gaines, S. M.: Bada, J.I. "Reversed Phase, High-Performance LiquidChromatographic Separation of Aspartame Diastereomeric DecompositionProducts." Journal of Chromatography. 389-:219-225 (l987)
- 26. Filer, L. J.; Stegnink. L.D. "Effect of Aspartame on PlasmaPhenylalanine Concentration in Humans." Proceedings of the FirstInternational Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanine and the Brain Function(May 8-10, l987) pp 25-26
- 27. Matalon, R.: Michals, K.:et al. "Aspartame Consumption in NormalIndividuals and Carriers for Phenylketonuria (PKU)." Proceedings of theFirst International Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function(May 8-10, l987) pp. 81-93
- 28. Matalon, R. Michals, K." Sullivan, D.; et al. "Aspartame Consumptionin Normal Individuals and Carriers for Phenylketonuria (PKU)." Universityof Illinois at Chicago, Department of Pediatrics, Nutrition and MedicalDietetics and Epidemiology and Biometry, Chicago, Illinois (l986).
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- 32. Garriga, M., MD; and Metcalf, D.,MD. "Aspartame intolerance" Annalsof Allergy 61:63-66 (December 1988)
- 33. United States General Accounting Office/HRD-87-86, Food and DrugAdministration's Approval of Aspartame. (June l987)
- 34. Council Report: Aspartame review of safety issues. Journal of theAmerican Medical Association l985:254 (3):400
- 35. Johns,D.R., MD, Letter to the Editor. The New England Journal ofMedicine (August 14, 1986)
- 36. Novick, N.J. "Aspartame-induced granulomatous panniculitis." Annalsof Internal Medicine 102:206-207 (l985)
- 37. McCauliffe, D.: and Poitras, K. "Aspartame-induced lobularpanniculitis." J of the American Academy of Dermatology 24 (2):298-299(February 1991)
- 38. Kulezycki,A.Jr. "Aspartame induced urticaria. Annals of InternalMedicine 104:207-208 (l986)
- 39. Wurtman, R.J. "Aspartame: possible effect on seizuresusceptibility." Lancet 2:1060. (l985)
- 40. Schainker, N. and Olney, J.W. "Glutamate Type Hypothalamic PituitarySyndrome in Mice Treated with Aspartame or Cysteate in Infancy." Journalof Neutral Trans. 35: 207-215 (l974)
- 41. Reynolds, W. A.: Butler, V." Lemley-Johnson, N. "HypothalamicMorphology Following ingestion of Aspartame of MSG in the Neonatal Rodentand Primate: A Preliminary Report" Journal of Toxicology andEnvironmental Health 2:471-480 (l976)
- 42. Pizzi, W.J.:Tabor, J.M.:Barnhart,J. "Somatic, Behavioral andReproductive Disturbances in Mice Following Neonatal Administration ofSodium L-Aspartate." Pharmacological Biochemical Behavior 9::481-485 (l976)
- 43. Stegnik, L.D.: Brummel, M.C.; et al, "Blood Methanol Concentrationsin Normal Adult Subjects Administered Abuse dose of Aspartame." J ofToxicological Environmental Health 7:281-290 (l981)
- 44. Monte, Woodrow, "Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health," Journalof Applied Nutrition 36(1):42-54 (l984).
- 45. Bergeron, R.:Cardinal, J." et al. "Prevention of Methanol Toxicityby Ethanol Therapy." New England Journal of Medicine (December 9, 1982)pp. 1528
- 46. Tsang, W.S.;Clarke, M.A.; Parrish, F.W. "Determination of Aspartameand Its Breakdown Products in Soft Drinks by Reverse-Phase Chromatographywith UV Detection." Journal of Agricultural Fd. Chemicals 33:734-738 (l985)
- 47. Davoli, E.; Cappeilini, L.' et al. "Serum Methanol Concentrations inRats and in Men after a Single Dose of Aspartame." Fed. ChemicalToxicology 24 (3):187-189 (l986).
- 48. Uribe, M. "Potential Toxicity of a New Sugar Substitute in Patientswith Liver Disease." New England Journal of Medicine. 306 (3):173-174(Jan 21, 1981).
- 49. Wurtman, R.J. "Neurochemical Changes Following High Dose Aspartamewith Dietary Carbohydrates." New England Journal of Medicine 309:7(August 18, 1982).
- 50. Sharma, R.P.; Coulombe, R.A., Jr. "Effects of Repeated Doses ofAspartame on Serotonin and its Metabolite in Various Regions of the MouseBrain." Toxicology Program, Department of Animal, Dairy and VeterinarySciences. Utah State University. (l986).
- 51. Young, S.N.: Smith, S.E.; et al. "Tryptophan Depletion Causes aRapid Lowering of Mood in Normal Males." Psychopharmocology. 87: 173-177(l985).
- 52. Padridge, W.M. "The Safety of Aspartame." J of the American MedicalAssociation 256 (19):2678. (November 21, l986).
- 53. Roberts, H.J. "New Perspectives Concerning Alzheimer's Disease." OnCall (August 1989) pp. 14-16
- 54. Walton, R.G.: Hudak, R.: and Green-Waite, R.J. "Adverse REactions toAspartame: Double-blind Challenge in Patients from a VulnerablePopulation." Biological Psychiatary pp. 13-17 (l993).
- 55. Lipton, S.A.: Rosenberg, P.A. "Excitatory Amino Acids as a Finalcommon Pathway for Neurologic Disorders." New England Journal ofMedicine 330 (9):613-622 (l994).
- 56. Dow-Edwards, D." Scribani, L.: and Riley, E.P. "Impaired Performanceon Odor-Aversion Testing Follow Prenatal Aspartame Exposure in the GuineaPig." Neurotoxicology and Teratoiogy 11:413-416 (l989).
- 57. Millstone, E. "Sweet and Sour: The Unanswered Questions aboutAspartame." The Scoiogist Volume 24, Number 2 (March/April 1994).
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U kunt nu besluiten of u een zoetstof wilt gebruiken die in werkelijkheid een dodelijk drug is die epileptische grand-mall insulten, hersentumoren en andere soorten kanker, (92 door de FDA gedocumenteerde symptomen en invaliditeit) heeft veroorzaakt en dodelijk kan zijn voor diabetes patiƫnten!
- Links naar andere sites die het onderwerp aspartaam behandelen:
- De website van Dave Rietz (helaas veel te jong overleden door de gevolgen van aspartaam) met meer dan 200 pagina's met meer dan 4 MB tekst... http://www.dorway.com