Vertaling: Ed Gunneweg
Paul Bellon
Carolyn Bellon
16684 Palm Avenue
Anderson, Ca. 96007
(530) 357-3270
Pro Se
Paul Bellon and Carolyn Bellon,
husband and wife
vs. and, DEMAND FOR
Coca-Cola Company, a Delaware Corporation;
and Douglas Daft, Chief
Executive Officer in his official capacity and individually;
and John
Does 1-50 inclusive
COMES NOW, the above named Plaintiffs, Paul Bellon and Carolyn Bellon,
husband and wife, and for a cause of action against the above named
Defendant claim and allege as follows.
This action
seeks redress for the Defendant's unlawful acts of knowingly and
intentionally using the neurotoxic aspartame as a sugar substitute in the
manufacture of its product Diet Coke, while knowing that exposure to
aspartame causes among other diseases, abdominal pain, arthritis, asthma,
brain cancer, breathing difficulties, burning eyes or throat, burning
urination, chest pains, chronic cough, chronic fatigue, death, depression,
diarrhea, headaches/migraines, hearing loss, heart palpitations, hives
(urticaria), hypertension, impotency and sexual problems, memory loss,
menstrual problems or changes, nausea or vomiting, slurring of speech,
tremors, tinnitus, vertigo, vision loss. Further, aspartame disease mimics
symptoms or worsens the following diseases: Fibromyalgia, Arthritis,
Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Lupus, Diabetes and Diabetic
Complications, Epilepsy, Alzheimer's Disease, Birth Defects, Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, Lymphoma, Lyme Disease, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD),
Panic Disorder, and Depression and other Psychological Disorders.
scientific documentation of the above, Defendant Coca-Cola Company and its
leadership (hereinafter "Defendants") has exposed the Plaintiffs and other
similarly situated consumers without warning of the known medical and
health hazards of aspartame consumption. By these knowing and intentional
acts of concealment and concomitant deception of the Plaintiff and other
consumers using and consuming Defendants product, Diet Coke, each of these
Defendants in the course of doing their business of marketing and selling
Diet Coke, knowingly and intentionally exposed the targeted consumer to the
toxic chemical aspartame known to the Defendants to cause the above noted
medical conditions among others.
This action is
about Defendants intentional targeting of a segment of the general
consuming public, including the Plaintiff herein, through advertising and
marketing designed to encourage the purchase and consumption of Diet Coke
as a diet soft drink while knowing that the major ingredient in Diet Coke
is the sugar substitute aspartame and that it is a neurotoxic chemical.
this action is about falsity about each defendant's knowing and
intentional acts of concealment and deception, whereby each Defendant
committed fraud and breach of warranty upon the Plaintiff.
1. The above
named Plaintiff's are now and at all relevant times hereto have been
residents of the City of Anderson, County of Shasta and the State of
California and are and have been consumers of the product Diet Coke and are
similarly situated with consumers in the general public and may be
representative of a class of persons damaged by the actions/inactions of
the Defendants herein as described below.
2. The
Defendant Coca- Cola Company is and at all times herein mentioned was, a
corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware with its
principal place of business in Atlanta, Georgia. Coca-Cola Company sells
its products, including "Diet Coke" in the state of California and
worldwide. Coca-Cola Company advertises its product "Diet Coke"
extensively in California. Coca-Cola Company's WEB site (which contains
some of the false information at issue in this complaint) is accessible to
California consumers including the Plaintiffs herein, and it maintains a
registered agent in California.
3. Defendant
Douglas Daft as the Chief Executive Officer of Defendant Coca Cola Company,
is responsible for the operation of the company and in that capacity is
directly and proximately liable for the actions of the company in the use
and sale of aspartame as an ingredient in Diet Coke.
4. Defendant
Douglas Daft is individually liable for the actions of Defendant Coca Cola
Company in the marketing, sale, misrepresentation and fraud in the sale of
products containing the neurotoxin aspartame. The knowing and intentional
breach of warranty and fraud committed by Defendant Daft are not within the
scope of his employment but rather are a wilful and wanton disregard for
the safety and health of the consuming public. Despite medical and
scientific evidence to the contrary, individual Defendant Daft has
intentionally allowed aspartame products to be placed in the stream of
commerce to the detriment of the Plaintiffs and other similarly situated
consumers for the benefit of Coca Cola Company profits and gain in the
value of his individual holdings of Coca Cola stock or options to purchase
said stock.
5. The true
names and capacities of the defendants sued herein as Does 1 through 50,
inclusive, are unknown to Plaintiffs at this time and Plaintiffs sue the
said Defendants by such fictitious names. Plaintiff will ask leave of the
court to amend this complaint to show their true names and capacities when
the same have been ascertained. Each of the fictitiously named Defendants
is responsible in some manner for the conduct alleged herein and may
include but are not limited to the corporate officers of Coca-Cola Company
both in their official and private capacities, research and development
entities that knew or should have known of the health hazards of aspartame,
but for reasons yet unknown to Plaintiff participated in the introduction
of this neurotoxin into the stream of commerce.
History of Aspartame.
6. In 1965
while creating a bioassay, an intermediate chemical was synthesized
aspartylphenylalanine-methyl-ester (aspartame).
7. In December
1965, while James Schlatter was recrystalling aspartame from ethanol , the
mixture spilled onto the outside of the flask and some of the powder got
onto his fingers. He tasted it and it was sweet.
8. In 1969 the
discovery was first reported in the Journal of the American Chemical
Society and in 1970 the discovery of aspartame was reported in the well
known publication, Science.
9. In 1970
Neuroscientist and researcher John W. Olney found that oral intake of
glutamate, aspartate and cysteine, all excitotoxic amino acids, cause brain
damage in mice (Olney 1970).
10. In 1971,
Ann Reynolds, a researcher who was hired by G.D. Searle and who has done
research for the Glutamate (MSG) Association, confirmed aspartame's
neurotoxicity in infant mice (Reynolds 1971). And in 1971, Dr. John W.
Olney informed G.D. Searle that aspartic acid caused holes in the brains of
mice (Olney 1970, Gordon 1987, page 493 of US Senate 1987).
11. On March
21, 1973 board certified pathologist, Dr. Jacqueline Mauro of Biological
Research, Ltd. examined data related to Aspartame and reported her findings
in what has become known as the MBR Report. She discovered that the drug
appeared to induce tumors in the liver, testes, and thyroid of rats.
12. These
statistically significant findings were confirmed by G.D. Searle's
Mathematics-Statistics Department.
13. Further
G.D. Searle contracted with another pathologist, Dr. Donald A. Willigan. He
was given 1,000 slides to examine. The Willigan Report revealed a
statistically significant increase in thyroid and testes tumors.
14. In July
1975, the FDA Commissioner, Dr. Alexander Schmidt appointed a special Task
Force to look at 11 key studies for the drug aspartame. The special Task
Force was headed by Philip Brodsky, FDA's Lead Investigator and assisted by
FDA Toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross. The Task Force was especially
interested in "pivotal" tests as described in an article from Common Cause
Magazine by Florence Graves (Graves 1984, page S5499 of Congressional
Record 1985a).
15. On
December 5, 1975, the FDA put a hold on the approval of aspartame due to
the preliminary findings of the FDA Task Force. The Public Board of Inquiry
is also put on hold (Mullarkey 1994b, page 5-6; Federal Register 1975).
16. In June of
1979, the acting FDA Commissioner, Sherwin Gardner selected the 3-person
Public Board of Inquiry.
17. In 1980
The Public Board Of Inquiry voted unanimously to reject the use of
aspartame until additional studies on aspartame's potential to cause brain
tumors could be done. The PBOI was particularly concerned about experiment
E33/34 where 320 rats received aspartame and a much higher percentage of
animals in the aspartame group developed tumors than in the control group
(Brannigan 1983, page 196). In addition, the PBOI was concerned about
experiment E70 where 80 rats received aspartame. Both the aspartame group
and the control group had an unusually high number of tumors, leading one
to suspect that both groups were actually given aspartame (Federal Register
18. On July
18, 1981 aspartame was approved for use in dry foods by FDA Commissioner
Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr. overruling the Public Board of Inquiry and ignoring
the law, Section409(c)(3) of the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C.
348), which says that a food additive should not be approved if tests are
inconclusive (Federal Register 1981, Farber 1989,page 38).
19. In 1983
Acting FDA Commissioner, Mark Novitch approved aspartame for use in
carbonated beverages and carbonated beverage syrup bases (Federal Register
20. On July 8,
1983, Dr. Woodrow Monte, Director of the Science and Nutrition Laboratory
at Arizona State University filed a petition objecting to the approval of
aspartame based on possible serious adverse effects from the chronic intake
of aspartame. Dr. Monte was especially concerned about the chronic intake
of methanol (Federal Register 1984). Dr. Monte also filed a petition with
the Arizona Department of Health Services to ban aspartame.
21. In 1984,
The State of Arizona DHS completed studies showing that aspartame in
carbonated beverages can break down into free methanol (among other things)
in 99oF temperatures. The amount of methanol which broke down concerned the
DHS enough that a ban of aspartame was discussed (Gordon 1987, page 507 of
US Senate 1987).
22. 6,900,000
pounds of aspartame were consumed in the U.S. in 1984 (USDA 1988).
23. On May 7,
1985, the U.S. Senate heard testimony relating to an amendment put forth by
Senator Howard Metzenbaum requiring the quantity of aspartame to be labeled
(Congressional Record 1985a). It is nearly impossible for a person to
determine what quantity of aspartame they are ingesting unless it is
labeled. Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah led the fight (along with G.D. Searle)
against the labeling amendment. The amendment was defeated.
24. After
suffering a $28 million dollar loss in the previous year, selling off 30
subsidiaries, and having a suit filed by 780 women claiming that G.D.
Searle's intrauterine device caused them pelvic inflammatory disease, G.D.
Searle, the developer of Aspartame sold out to the chemical company,
Monsanto (Gordon 1987, page 509 of US Senate 1987).
25. Monsanto
then created the NutraSweet Company as a subsidiary separate from G.D.
26. 14,400,000
pounds of aspartame were consumed in the U.S. in 1985 (USDA 1988).
27. 15,700,000
pounds of aspartame were consumed in the U.S. in 1986 (USDA 1988).
28. An
estimated 17,100,000 pounds of aspartame were consumed in the U.S. in 1987
(USDA 1988). NutraSweet stopped providing consumption data to the USDA
after 1987.
29. On
November 3, 1987, The United States Senate Committee on Labor and Human
Resources heard testimony on the Health and Safety concerns of Nutrasweet
30. Also on
November 3, 1987, the Environmental Protection Agency sent a letter to
Senator Howard Metzenbaum expressing concerns about the high level of
toxicity of Aspartame.
31. By the end
of 1990, 150 products were sweetened exclusively by aspartame.
32. In 1992,
NutraSweet signed agreements with the Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc.
"stipulating The NutraSweet Company as their preferred supplier of
aspartame (Monsanto 1992).
33. NutraSweet
stated that one of their options for increasing sales in the carbonated
soft drink market is to prepare "higher-concentration formulations that use
more aspartame" (Monsanto 1992).
34. The FDA
approved the NutraSweet Company's application to market aspartame in bulk
form. NutraSweet markets the product under the name "NutraSweet Spoonful"
(Monsanto 1992).
35. In 1996,
Distinguished Neuroscientist research, Dr. John W. Olney, publishes
research showing that aspartame may be a brain tumor agent. He shows that
aspartame caused brain cancer in preapproval research, that a breakdown
product of aspartame has caused mutations in vitro, and that from 4 to 13
years after approval there was a significant increase in the conversion of
less deadly brain tumors to much more deadly brain tumors (same types as
seen in preapproval research) in susceptible populations (Olney 1996).
36. On May 13,
1998 the University of Barcelona produced in final form its study clearly
showing that aspartame which was labeled with a carbon 14 isotope was
transformed into formaldehyde in the bodies of the living specimens and
that when they were examined later, the radioactive tagged formaldehyde was
spread throughout the vital organs of their bodies.
37. The
chemical breakdown of aspartame in the human body is described as follows.
Methanol, from aspartame, is released in the small intestine when the
methyl group of aspartame encounters the enzyme chymotrypsin. Free
methanol begins to form in liquid aspartame-containing products at
temperatures above 86 degrees F. also within the human body.
38. The
methanol is converted to formaldehyde. The formaldehyde converts to formic
acid (ant sting poison). Formic acid is toxic and is used as an activator
to strip epoxy and urethane coatings. Phenylalanine and aspartic acid, 90%
of aspartame, are amino acids normally used in synthesis of protoplasm when
supplied by the foods eaten by humans. But when unaccompanied by other
amino acids, they are neurotoxic.
39. The FDA has
established that at least 92 medical/health problems have symptoms
associated with Aspartame and include but are not limited to--Abdominal
Pain, anxiety attacks, arthritis, asthma and asthmatic reactions, bloating,
edema (Fluid Retention), blood sugar control problems (Hypoglycemia or
Hyperglycemia), brain cancer (Pre-approval studies in animals), breathing
difficulties, burning eyes or throat, burning urination, chest pains,
chronic cough, chronic fatigue, confusion, death, depression, diarrhea,
dizziness, excessive thirst or hunger, flushing of face, hair Loss
(baldness) or thinning of hair, headaches/migraines dizziness, hearing
loss, heart palpitations, hives (urticaria), hypertension (high blood
pressure), impotency and sexual problems, insomnia, irritability, joint
pains, laryngitis, marked personality changes, memory loss, menstrual
problems or changes, migraines and severe headaches (trigger or cause from
chronic intake), muscle spasms, nausea or vomiting, seizures and
convulsions, slurring of speech, swallowing pain, tachycardia, tremors,
tinnitus, vertigo, vision loss, weight gain.
40. Aspartame
disease mimics symptoms or worsens the following diseases; fibromyalgia,
arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), parkinson's disease, lupus, diabetes
and diabetic complications, epilepsy, alzheimer's Disease, birth defects,
chronic fatigue syndrome, lymphoma, lyme disease, attention deficit
disorder (ADD).
41. Defendant
Coca-Cola Company manufactures diet soft drinks under the trade name Diet
42. Diet Coke
contains the sugar substitute aspartame, the use of which is the subject of
this action.
43. Defendants
market Diet Coke through several media including but not limited to print,
audio, video, and internet (being a combination of all three media).
44. Defendants
through print media has made representations about Diet Coke to the
consumer that it is safe and healthy.
45. Defendants
through the internet have represented to the consuming public that Diet
Coke is safe and healthy.
46. Defendants
knew or should have known that the use of the chemical aspartame in its
product Diet Coke was injurious to the health of the consuming public.
47. Despite
said knowledge Defendants failed and refused to inform the consuming public
of the known health hazards associated with the consumption of the chemical
48. Defendants
continue to sell and market Diet Coke to the consuming public to the
detriment and harm to the consuming public without reservation or warning
about the known health hazards associated with the consumption of aspartame
via Diet Coke.
CIVIL CODE SECTIONS -----(a) (5) & (7).
49. Plaintiff
re-alleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 48 above as
if fully set forth at this place.
50. The
actions of Defendants as described above constitute deceptive acts or
practices undertaken by the Defendants in the transaction with the
Plaintiff and other similarly situated individuals which were intended to
result and which resulted in the sale of goods to Plaintiff and others
similarly situated.
51. Defendants
knowingly continued to misrepresent the source, sponsorship, approval, or
certification of its product Diet Coke to the Plaintiff herein and to the
consuming public.
52. Defendants
knowingly continued to misrepresent that Diet Coke has characteristics,
ingredients, uses, or benefits which it does not have.
53. Defendants
have knowingly continued to misrepresent that Diet Coke is of a particular
standard, quality, or grade when in fact Diet Coke and its sugar substitute
ingredient is a neurotoxin and hazardous to the health of Plaintiffs and
other consumers.
54. The
intentionally deceptive acts of Defendants by knowingly continuing to
misrepresent are per se violations of California Civil Code ------(a) (5),
and (7) and have damaged Plaintiffs and other similarly situated consumers
in an amount to be proven at trial and in excess of $10,000,000.00.
55. Plaintiff
re-alleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 54 of this
Complaint as if fully set forth at this place.
56. The
Defendants through marketing and advertising have stated to the consuming
public that Diet Coke is safe, "good for you", a safe way to loose weight
and is generally a healthful product.
57. At the
time these statements were made these statements were false.
58. The
statements made by Defendants about Diet Coke were material statements in
that but for those statements the consuming public would not have purchased
the product Diet Coke.
59. Defendants
either knew or should have known the statements being made via its world
wide advertising of Diet Coke were false or Defendants were unaware of
whether the statements were true at the time the statements were made.
60. The
Plaintiffs did not know that the statements made by Defendants concerning
Diet Coke were false.
61. The
Defendants intended for the Plaintiffs to rely upon the statements made
about Diet Coke and intended Plaintiffs and other similarly situation
consumers to act upon said reliance in a manner reasonably contemplated by
Defendants; that being the purchase of Diet Coke for consumption by the
62. Plaintiffs
did rely upon the truth of the statements made by Defendants about Diet
Coke and the health and lifestyle benefits available to Plaintiff by
consuming Diet Coke.
Plaintiffs' reliance upon the statements made by Defendants concerning the
benefits of drinking Diet Coke were reasonable under all the
64. The
Plaintiffs and other similarly situated consumers suffered damages to their
health, directly and proximately caused by reliance on Defendants false
statements and advertising regarding the benefits of Diet Coke.
65. As a direct
and proximate result of Defendants knowing misrepresentation to the
consumer of the health benefits of Diet Coke when in fact the singular most
important component of Diet Coke, the chemical aspartame, is a documented
health hazard, the Plaintiff and other similarly situated consumers have
been damaged and have sustained monetary damages in excess of
66. Plaintiff
re-alleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 65 of this
Complaint as if fully set forth at this place.
67. Defendants
intentionally placed in the stream of commerce its product Diet Coke
specifically for wholesale and retail sales to the general public
68. As a
direct and proximate result of said placement in the stream of commerce,
the Plaintiff purchased said product, Diet Coke.
69. Such a
purchase and sale of a product as described herein by and between Plaintiff
and Defendant is the type of transaction anticipated and governed by the
California Commercial Code.
70. At the
time of the transaction described herein, Defendants knew or should have
known that the Plaintiff purchased the Diet Coke for the particular purpose
of ingesting and drinking the product.
71. At the
time of purchase and as a basis for the purchase, Plaintiffs relied upon
Defendants skill and judgment to select and furnish to Plaintiffs goods
suitable for ingestion and drinking.
Plaintiffs' reliance upon Defendants skill, judgment and expertise was
reasonable in light of Defendant's representations and advertising as
described above in this Complaint.
73. Pursuant
to California Commercial Code there exists an implied warranty by
Defendants that its product Diet Coke shall be fit for such purpose of
consumption by the Plaintiff.
74. Despite
scientific evidence to the contrary, Defendants by the sale of Diet Coke to
the Plaintiffs has breached the implied warranty of fitness for a
particular purpose as imposed by.
Defendant's breach of said statute has caused Plaintiffs' injury and has
damaged Plaintiff in an amount in excess of $10,000,000.00.
76. Plaintiff
re-alleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 75 of this
Complaint as if fully set forth at this place.
77. California
Commercial Code provides that a warranty that the goods shall be
merchantable is implied in a contract for their sale if the seller is a
merchant with respect to goods of that kind.
78. Under the
serving for value of food or drink to be consumed either on the premises or
elsewhere is a sale.
79. Section --
------ provides that for goods to be merchantable said goods are fit for
the ordinary purposes for which such goods are used....and are adequately
contained, packaged, and labeled as the agreement may require; and conform
to the promises or affirmations of fact made on the container or label if
80. Defendants
are sellers of Diet Coke and is a merchant with respect to Diet Coke..
81. Diet Coke
is a drink specifically manufactured by Defendants to be consumed by
Plaintiffs and other similarly situated consumers either on premises at the
location of the sale or elsewhere.
82. As a
direct and proximate result of Defendants use of the neurotoxic chemical
aspartame in Diet Coke, the product Diet Coke is not merchantable and is
not fit for the ordinary purpose for which Diet Coke is used.
83. The use of
the toxic chemical aspartame in the manufacture of Diet Coke is a breach of
the implied warranty of merchantability proscribed by California Commercial
Defendant's breach of said statute has caused Plaintiff injury and has
damaged Plaintiff in an amount in excess of $10,000,000.00.
85. Plaintiff
re-alleges the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 84 of this
Complaint as if fully set forth at this place.
86. Defendants
continue to use the neurotoxic chemical aspartame as a sugar
substitute/sweetener in its product Diet Coke despite the known health and
medical hazards of such use.
87. Defendant
continues to deceptively and fraudulently advertise the product Diet Coke
as a healthy method of dieting and weight control despite the known health
hazards of the chemical aspartame.
88. For so
long as the product Diet Coke, in its present form, is allowed to remain
available to Plaintiffs and marketed and sold by Defendants to the
consuming public, Plaintiffs herein and the consuming public are being
irreparably harmed by the product Diet Coke by the retention of the
neurotoxic aspartame and its derivatives in Plaintiffs' and the general
consumers bodies.
89. Plaintiffs
and other similarly situated consumers have no other remedy at law or
equity but to request that the Defendants be enjoined and restrained from
the use of the chemical aspartame as a sugar substitute/sweetener in its
product Diet Coke..
Plaintiff prays for relief as follows:
As to Count
1. For an
Order from this court finding that Defendants herein and each of them have
violated the California Consumers Legal Remedies Act;
2. For a money
judgment fully and fairly compensating Plaintiffs herein for damages
suffered as result of Defendants violation.
As to Count
3. For an
Order from this court finding that Defendants herein and each of them
engaged in acts of willful fraud upon the Plaintiffs;
4. For a money
judgment fully and fairly compensating Plaintiffs herein for damages
suffered as result of Defendants fraudulent actions;
As to Count
5. For an Order
from this court finding that Defendants herein and each of them breached
the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose as found in
California Commercial Code ------;
6. For a money
judgment fully and fairly compensating Plaintiffs herein for damages
suffered as result of Defendants violation;
As to Count
7. For an Order
from this court finding that Defendants herein and each of them breached
the implied warranty of merchantability as found in California Commercial
Code ------;
8. For a money
judgment fully and fairly compensating Plaintiffs herein for damages
suffered as result of Defendants violation;
As to Count
9. For an
Order from this court permanently enjoining the Defendants herein from
producing, manufacturing, processing, selling or using the neurotoxic
artificial sweetening chemical aspartame in any product manufactured or
sold by Defendants.
10. And, for
such other relief as the court deems just and proper in the premises.
Dated this ____
day of March, 2004
Paul Bellon,
Bellon, Plaintiff